"working on my faults and cracks..."


No-glove Wednesdays

At Ridaifu, we build character

Just in case you might have been wondering, I'm not terribly worried about all the snow in Okayama. I've got indentured servants freshmen to sweep it away for me. Brochure says they love doing it.

Hey kid, you missed a spot under the fence.

3 contributions to this piece:

Kimbrolynn said...

The city looks beautiful.

Unknown said...

I am jealous of your snow. Send some to Gifu. Only the ski resorts an hour away have any snow. We had late night flurries Saturday night/Sunday morning, but it was more sleet that didn't accumulate at all than anything.

Dagbert said...

Snow makes it fun to have a charinko again. Other than that, it pretty much sucks.

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