"working on my faults and cracks..."


effing busy

Way back in the year 2005, before fading into relative obscurity, the Beastie Boys handed out camcorders before a marquee show at The Garden, and instructed the recipients to shoot however, and whatever they wanted at the show. The resulting grainy, amateur footage turned in was compiled and used to create the aptly titled theatrical release...
"Awesome, I Fuckin' Shot That."

That's sort of what I've been up to these past few months. No, not attending Beastie Boys concerts. Yes, not posting on this blog [third-curtain breach, get bent]. But writing. A lot. Words in sentences, sentences on web pages, web sites seen by lots and lots of people. Small thrills, seeing my grainy, amateurish words - warts and all, neatly arranged on the internet's commercial jumbo-tron, for all to read.

Awesome, I fuckin' wrote that.
Awesome, I fuckin' wrote that too.
Whoa, this, that, and that too?

Fuckin' awesome.

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