So now that we've cleared up where I was, where is the DI now?
My new job's a far cry from the last two summers, spent corralling the rowdy offspring of bitter J-trains and plea-bargaining with Satan on whether or not I'd be expected to pull another 90 hour workweek. Rather, this feels more like a job you'd see in a mail-order employment catalog--the one where the employees are smiling and wearing sandals, they play foosball on break, and answer emails because they give a shit. It's strange to witness firsthand, people working because they want to. Everyone playing their small part in something big. I've heard some companies call this work environment phenomenon "synergy." But I had always thought that synergy was a cubical myth--bullshit PR-speak used to expound in tangible terms, something inexplicably nonexistent. And I'd be totally right. Other such examples would be the Bermuda Triangle, the Tooth Fairy, and Chupacabras.
But there's definitely something in the water here. Synergy be damned, I can now say with great confidence that I enjoy what I do.
The remainder of my free time is spent riding my bicycle to and from the office in frigid temperatures. Every now and then, I stop and put a burrito in my mouth-hole.