"working on my faults and cracks..."


defcon 2 assimilation

japanese deer bait. apparently human children like it too

Sprinkled 'noritama' on my rice tonight. As you can see, it looks like goldfish food. It smelled like chicken scratch. So naturally, it tasted like licking the inside of an old tennis ball can.
Will probably have it again tomorrow. And maybe Friday too.

If there's a personal identity raft adrift somewhere on this great big cultural pond, I think I've completely fallen off it. Commencing shark-jumping.

Send a pan of lasagna. And tacos.

2 contributions to this piece:

dyki said...

yeah!! "noritama" is japanese luxurious goldfish food.
i don't hate it, though..(´。`)
u r rich fish man!! :D

Dagbert said...

haha I definitely feel for the Japanese fish.

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