"working on my faults and cracks..."


calling all blue skies

I was gonna wait till I could get both videos up (no thanks to Vimeo's weekly limit), and for MYCTC to post more pictures of the event, but I guess the cat is officially out of the bag--just a few hours after I uploaded it to Vimeo, we got linked up on lockedcog, 3bancho, and hkfixed. So without further adieu, here is the submission TKYM and I cooked up for the Shikoku jam last weekend.


We are HEADSET. Okayama sucks a little bit less behind fixie bars.

MYCYC really knows how to host

The Facebook exclusive video which is an extension of one of the scenes above will be up shortly. Stick around for that.

2 contributions to this piece:

Kat said...

I love this video! The footage is amazing!

Dagbert said...

Thanks :) Though I can't take all the camera credit--most of the fisheye stuff was shot by my friend TKYM. Plus, this is much more of a trick-based affair than the "Fixed and the City" project though.

I'm sure you'll see soon enough.

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