"working on my faults and cracks..."


These cabin-fevered ears; watch them bleed

Disregarding any implicit or explicit ramifications of the outcome, the entire notion revolves simply around having reasons strong enough to warrent a longing desire to purchase. It was never about the physical act of obtaining the ticket in question, nor was it to focus on the trip, or even the obligatory meeting following journey's end. Only to 'have' such reasonable urges, is case enough.

To 'have', is something I still intend to find.

4 contributions to this piece:

Anonymous said...

This sounds familiar...like a drunken conversation in a fairly ritzy bar...

Dagbert said...

Yeah...but probably with smaller words...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm pretty sure the words were just a tad smaller. *grin*

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

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